Parasite Cleanse Completed…Now What?

So I finished the cleanse a week or so ago.  I wish I could say everything seems healed and solved, but it doesn’t.  I don’t get any cramping and gurgling like I did when I was on the cleanse, but some of the same pains are still there.

  • The dull pain under my right rib that comes and goes
  • The pinching feeling I get right under my sternum, under my ribs
  • The sometimes hot feeling I get on my left side, near my groin
  • Precarious bowel movements
  • Itchy skin

The worst part is that I still don’t have any answers.  There is a lot of speculation as to what was going on…liver flukes, candida, tapeworm?  It feels like I’m in the middle ages when people didn’t rely on real science to make medical decisions.  I’m just sorta going “by feel” most of the time.  Trying not to get confused or worried by what I read on the internet.

I am supposed to take another hair analysis and blood test.  I’m hoping and praying that it reveals the metals coming out in my hair.  I really just want to be detoxing properly.  After I see what that says I will decide if I want to do some DMSA chelation therapy to start getting that stuff out of my body.

My boyfriend called me a hypochondriac last weekend.  This stung.  For 35 years I didn’t fear anything health related, I didn’t freak out when there was a pain, I basically just went about my life and went to the doctor when I was sick.  But the last 5 years has been one really crazy symptom after the next.  Even my doctor is confused by all the weird symptoms.  In the end…I have energy, I am not depressed, I don’t have all the symptoms that seem to lay underneath really serious illnesses…so maybe I’m just fine?  Maybe I should just live my life and stop chasing down all this stuff and spending so much money?

I wonder if anyone else deals with this train of thought…